Team Rev"Oil"ution
dōTERRA Wellness Consultants

I know you’re ready to do this, but have you ever had a day in your life where you just questioned your own purpose? Do you feel the need to make a difference, but don’t know how and where to start?

Ladies and gentlemen, you are on the right page! And no, it won’t be an easy ride. There will be risks, doubts, criticisms, disappointments, sacrifices, rejections… the list is endless!

Well, I know that doesn’t sound very inviting. I mean, who wants to experience rejections, right? It’s fair to say that no one raised their hand on this.

Want to know the good news? That doesn’t mean you have to be alone in the process! So what if we say we can support you in any way we can for that life and purpose you’ve always dreamed of? 

Achieve success

How do you define success?

It would be great if someone could give us a reference sheet for success, but success is a journey. It requires hardship and tears. After all, how do you know you’ve been successful without overcoming the trials thrown at you? Como você define sucesso?

When you ask someone what keeps them from doing something, people often say “fear” of failure. And it’s not even the kind of fear that saves you from physical harm. It’s the kind of fear that manipulates you! 

I’m sure there have been opportunities you’ve passed up just because you’re afraid of the unknown, because the thing is, most of the time, we let fear get in the way. We let it define us.

Success definitely doesn’t and will never happen overnight, but it’s up to you if you’re in it to beat it.

There’s no better feeling than having the best support system available and that’s what we guarantee. The world of dōTERRA revolves around YOU, YOUR FAMILY, and everything you need to enjoy life to the fullest.

You see, we don’t just blend and produce world-class essential oils. We take care that we put our hearts into everything we do.

As a company, did you know that dōTERRA seeks to reduce poverty by creating ethically responsible jobs in essential oil production? With such a large company, it’s easy to just buy huge land and mass-produced essential oils, but we believe in the extensive knowledge of our hardworking farmers. We ensure that jobs are created and sustained in rural and underdeveloped areas to move from income insecurity and poverty to economic self-sufficiency.  

It’s fair to say that by joining dōTERRA, you are also part of our project to make this world a better place.

Seeing is really believing. So over the years, we’ve earned the trust and respect of not only our dear users, but our 2+ million wellness consultants around the world, and we want you to be a part of it.

dōTERRA wants to be a part of your success. So… are you going to let fear manipulate you? If you’re ready to harness not only the power of essential oils, but also to unleash your powerful, brave, fearless, and best version. 

We at dōTERRA believe in giving and seizing opportunities!

But what is a Wellness Consultant?

dōTERRA Wellness Consultants make money by introducing essential oils and products to people around the world. dōTERRA has an affiliate program that rewards its consultants for using word of mouth to develop their brand. When you become a dōTERRA Wellness Consultant, you become a brand ambassador for the industry leader and producer of nearly $2 billion in annual sales and over 7 million wholesale customers.

It’s fair to say that by joining dōTERRA, you are also part of our project to make this world a better place.

Seeing is really believing. So over the years, we’ve earned the trust and respect of not only our dear users, but our 2+ million wellness consultants around the world, and we want you to be a part of it.

dōTERRA wants to be a part of your success.

So… are you going to let fear manipulate you?

If you’re ready to harness not only the power of essential oils, but also to unleash your powerful, brave, fearless, and best version. 

How do Wellness Consultants

Earn their Income?

There are many different ways to earn income as a Wellness Consultant. The simplest way is the weekly quick start bonus which is paid out every week and is based on each new member you introduce the oils to. Second, dōTERRA pays Unilevel commission bonuses every month. The third way is the Can of 3 bonus, which is based on a pool of global sales volume and is paid according to the leadership ranks you achieve.

Unlike most other companies, dōTERRA pays the highest commissions at the lowest levels of its business. This makes a lot of sense because you will mentor more leaders and efficiently structure the ranking as you grow. Consequently, your team will grow much more at the deeper levels of your structure, which means lower percentages paid in smaller groups and higher percentages paid in larger groups. 

Start your journey

Follow these 3 steps to become a Wellness Consultant

Choose a dōTERRA kit

A dōTERRA Kit is definitely the best way to begin your dōTERRA application. Includes the most popular essential oils and products and waives the membership fee. I recommend a kit with most products so you can get to know them quickly before you start sharing them with friends and family.
Discover dōTERRA Kits

Setup your dōTERRA account

When you click Join us, you will receive all instructions for setting up your dōTERRA account in your email.
Join us

Login to your account

You will be able to log in to the "back office" and order your dōTERRA products once your new account is created. You will manage your account and learn how to receive discounts of 25% - 55% on new orders, as well as additional freebies and bonuses.
Need help? Click here!

What happens next?


Becoming a new dōTERRA member is just the beginning of your healthy life journey with essential oils. We will answer all your questions and show you the best way for your new journey.


Once you’ve joined, you’ll have access to onboarding training and our team’s weekly orientation meetings. You will be introduced to your individual team leader who will guide you along the path of your dōTERRA essential oil business.

Still need help?

Meet the RevOILution team

Join our community of amazing people

Lives with Suzana Maia and Leaders

Watch the lives and learn all about the success of leaders

Em que país você gostaria
de receber seus produtos?

Ao preencher o formulário, você receberá em seu e-mail todas as instruções para a configuração da conta dōTERRA. Depois de concluir a configuração da sua conta de cliente preferencial dōTERRA, enviarei a você recursos de educação sobre óleos essenciais e brindes especiais.

Use o mesmo endereço de e-mail para garantir que receberá seus bônus.

Upon completing the form, you will receive all instructions for setting up your dōTERRA account in your email. Once you’ve completed setting up your dōTERRA Preferred Customer account, I’ll send you essential oil education resources and special giveaways.

Use the same email address to ensure you receive your bonuses.